trusting god's promises
Trusting God isn’t a one-time thing.
Too often, we trust God with our salvation but not with our careers, relationships, or our futures.
God has a plan for every one of us. We discover His plan by listening to His voice, and we learn His voice as we read His Word. In the Bible, we see that God has promised to save us, free us, purpose us, and make us part of His family.
Sounds too good to be true, right?
But as Christians, that’s our story. No matter who you are or where you’re at, God has promises for you.
Too often, we trust God with our salvation but not with our careers, relationships, or our futures.
God has a plan for every one of us. We discover His plan by listening to His voice, and we learn His voice as we read His Word. In the Bible, we see that God has promised to save us, free us, purpose us, and make us part of His family.
Sounds too good to be true, right?
But as Christians, that’s our story. No matter who you are or where you’re at, God has promises for you.

pursuing uncommon unity
You can tell a lot about what matters to someone by how they live. Jesus is no exception.
Throughout Jesus’ life and ministry, He brought people together. Sinners and religious people, Jews and Gentiles, women and men — people from all backgrounds, ages, and races drew near to Jesus. And everyone had a part in His ministry.
Before Jesus returned to heaven, He prayed that we would experience the same unity He has with God the Father and the Holy Spirit.
Jesus prayed for unity, so we will pursue it. Like Jesus, we will surround ourselves with people who are not like us. Being the same is easy. But being unified brings God glory.
Throughout Jesus’ life and ministry, He brought people together. Sinners and religious people, Jews and Gentiles, women and men — people from all backgrounds, ages, and races drew near to Jesus. And everyone had a part in His ministry.
Before Jesus returned to heaven, He prayed that we would experience the same unity He has with God the Father and the Holy Spirit.
Jesus prayed for unity, so we will pursue it. Like Jesus, we will surround ourselves with people who are not like us. Being the same is easy. But being unified brings God glory.
making bold moves
What’s the biggest risk you’ve ever taken?
Maybe it was the day you said, “I do,” the cross-country move, or the decision to start a business of your own. Maybe it was having that conversation you put off for years.
Our lives are often defined by our willingness to make bold moves. The Bible teaches that without faith it is impossible to please God, but with it, we can move mountains (Hebrews 11:6, Matthew 17:20).
We will never run out of bold moves to make. As God’s people, we are called to choose faith over fear — even when it isn’t exciting or Instagram worthy. If it requires courage and confidence in God’s promises, it’s a bold move.
Maybe it was the day you said, “I do,” the cross-country move, or the decision to start a business of your own. Maybe it was having that conversation you put off for years.
Our lives are often defined by our willingness to make bold moves. The Bible teaches that without faith it is impossible to please God, but with it, we can move mountains (Hebrews 11:6, Matthew 17:20).
We will never run out of bold moves to make. As God’s people, we are called to choose faith over fear — even when it isn’t exciting or Instagram worthy. If it requires courage and confidence in God’s promises, it’s a bold move.

Expanding the vision...
There’s something exciting about spotting your team’s colors. It reminds you that you aren’t alone but among fellow Trojans, Spartans, or Warriors.
That’s what it’s like to be part of the church. No matter where we find ourselves, we are always at home among other believers.
And just like your love for your school trumps your love of your graduating class, our love for the global church comes before our love for our local church. When we choose to live with kingdom mentality, we worry less about what God is doing in our church and we do whatever it takes to strengthen God’s work in our city, our state, and our world.
Jesus is building a kingdom today that will last for eternity. We know His best is yet to come, but that shouldn’t stop us from being part of what He’s doing in our communities today.
That’s what it’s like to be part of the church. No matter where we find ourselves, we are always at home among other believers.
And just like your love for your school trumps your love of your graduating class, our love for the global church comes before our love for our local church. When we choose to live with kingdom mentality, we worry less about what God is doing in our church and we do whatever it takes to strengthen God’s work in our city, our state, and our world.
Jesus is building a kingdom today that will last for eternity. We know His best is yet to come, but that shouldn’t stop us from being part of what He’s doing in our communities today.
showing visible love
Think of a time someone went out of the way to show you love. Maybe they paid for your meal, took care of you when you were sick, or sat with you after a breakup.
Most likely, you didn’t keep it to yourself. That’s because real love is remarkable.
We see this in Jesus’ life. People couldn’t help but share what He had done for them. When Jesus healed, fed, and connected with people, it wasn’t done in secret. His greatest act of love, giving His life so we could have a relationship with God, was about as public as it gets (John 3:16).
We are to love one another just as Jesus loved us. Our love for others is how everyone will know we belong to Jesus. When we show visible love, lives are changed and the Gospel spreads.
Most likely, you didn’t keep it to yourself. That’s because real love is remarkable.
We see this in Jesus’ life. People couldn’t help but share what He had done for them. When Jesus healed, fed, and connected with people, it wasn’t done in secret. His greatest act of love, giving His life so we could have a relationship with God, was about as public as it gets (John 3:16).
We are to love one another just as Jesus loved us. Our love for others is how everyone will know we belong to Jesus. When we show visible love, lives are changed and the Gospel spreads.