Getting Started: Two Simple Steps

Getting started is easy.  Let's look at two simple steps to start leading a Gathering in your home.

step one: Set the Environment

Connect to a service.

Gatherings will be available online at

Some popular ways people watch the service are:
Smart Phone
Smart TV

Any device that has access to the internet or cellular data will be able to play the service.

For Streaming:
Search "Jenks Church" on Apple TV, Roku, iOS, Android, YouTube, or your web browser!


Make it cozy.

Think about the people who will be watching with you.
Even if you're flying solo, there are things you can do to make your space comfortable.

Do you have enough seats?

Will everyone be comfortable and able to see?

How will discussion work in this space?

If you see a way to make it more comfortable for the people tuning in with you, go ahead and make that move. Coffee anyone?

Minimize distractions.

This is where you can start to think ahead.

Go ahead and take the dog out one more time.

Load the kids up with some snacks.

Don't forget to check out our Factory AT HOME resources!

Put your phone on silent.If something else might need attention while you're watching, then go
ahead and take care of that before you get started.


Throughout the service, there will be times for worship, prayer, reflection and discussion.

Could it be a little awkward? Sure - if no one participates.

This is where you lead.

When you choose to go first - to do the very thing that seems a little uncomfortable - you give a special kind of freedom to the rest of the room.

When you go first, your people feel like they can do it, too.